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.NET MAUI Day 2024

The second .NET MAUI day will take place on Oct. 11, 2024 in the Microsoft office in Cologne.

The .NET MAUI Day logo

The .NET MAUI day is a one-day, free, event filled with sessions that have to do with cross-platform development based on .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI). Speakers from all around the world will be there to present about the latest and greatest in the .NET MAUI ecosystem, as well as being in the “hallway track” so you can talk to them, discuss and ask questions.

You might already know the XamExpertDay (or Expert Day for Xamarin), which is the predecessor to this event. In the roughly 5 years we did the XamExpertDay it quickly grew to be a well-known, very much loved event in the Xamarin community. We don’t know how things will go for the .NET MAUI day, but we will start with this one in 2024 and see from there.

Attend .NET MAUI Day #

In order to attend the .NET MAUI Day in Cologne you will have to sign up. You cannot be admitted if you have not signed up. Seats are limited so make sure to secure your spot as soon as possible.

At the event pictures will be taken and shared on social media. By attending the event, you agree to the fact that you might show up on pictures posted publicly online.

Sign up through Eventbrite here

Please Note! You can only sign up through Eventbrite and everyone has to sign up individually. If your name is not on the list, you cannot be allowed in. That also means: if you find out that you cannot make it after all, please cancel your order so someone else gets a chance to come. Thank you!

Speakers #

Below are the speakers that will make this instance of .NET MAUI day unforgettable!

Schedule #

Find the schedule for the day below. You can also keep track on this special web app (sorry no .NET MAUI app yet…).

Location #

The .NET MAUI Day will take place in the Microsoft Office in Cologne. This is also where the XamExpertDay previously took place. Find the exact details below.

Microsoft Cologne Office
Holzmarkt 2, 50676 Köln

The .NET MAUI Day takes place on the fifth floor

Please Note! There is no parking space available directly at the venue. Please find something in the area yourself.

Sponsors #

This free event would not be possible without our amazing sponsors. A big thank you from us to them! 🫶

👑 Gold Sponsors 👑

Microsoft logo Syncfusion logo

🩶 Silver Sponsors 🩶

msg logo

🫶 Community Sponsors 🫶

Jetbrains logo Sessionize logo

Crew #

👏 A round of applause for our wonderful crew who selflessy put together this day for our loving community.

Glenn Versweyveld, Kerry Lothrop, Tobias Hoppenthaler, Steven Thewissen & Gerald Versluis